
Howie was a familiar face on television in the UK (BBC) and internationally (BBC Worldwide and Discovery Animal Planet – Europe) throughout the Nineties. To a generation of children and their families, he is still remembered as the man who brought nature and science into their homes and schools.

Start End Title Programme Client Media
1993 2000 Presenter The Really Wild Show BBC-NHU (Network) TV
1995 1996 Presenter Really Wild Guide to Britain BBC-NHU (Network) TV
1996 1996 Presenter The Complete Guide to the 20th Century BBC-Cymru (Network) TV
1996 1996 Presenter Bugmania Medusa Communications Video
1996 1996 Presenter Animal Week GMTV (Network) TV
1997 1997 Presenter The Weather Show BBC (Network) TV
1998 1998 Presenter Countryside Hour BBC-Pebble Mill (Network) TV
1998 2000 Reporter Living TV. Living TV. TV
1999 1999 Presenter The Essential Guide to Weather BBC-Science (Network) TV
1999 1999 Presenter Science in Action BBC-Education (Network) TV
1999 1999 Presenter/


Crazy Creatures HTV-Wales TV
2000 2000 Presenter Stop, Look, Listen Channel 4 (Network) TV
2000 2000 Presenter Animal Planet Unleashed Discovery-Animal Planet TV
2000 2000 Presenter Wild About Woods The Woodland Trust Video
2001 2001 Presenter Get Gardening HTV-Wales TV
2001 2001 Reporter Earth & Space Now TV. TV